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Thursday, January 20, 2005

My Favorite Book

My favorite book is "The Lives of the Twelve Caesars" (De vita Caesarum) by a second century Roman named Suetonius. It is a very personal account guessed it, the first twelve Roman emperors, including Julius Caesar. (Who was not, himself, properly an emperor, but was proclaimed Dictator and later had accuired the power of the imperium.)
I really can't explain why I prize it above all other books. There are many reasons: compelling narrative, brilliant organization, wonderful prose, an impossably conversational style for classical latin. But one thing that I enjoy is this: Suetonius was a secretary for the emperor Hadrian (felicitously not covered in the book). I want, one day, to read a volume on the intimate (oh, Suetonius is initmate, explaining in fascinating details the sex lives of emperors) lives of the Presidents. This is brought to mind by the recent buzz about the book proclaiming Abraham Lincoln's possible homosexuality. But that book is so dry and academic, I want someone who knows the insides and the outs like Suetonius did; someone who had the palace records like Suetonius did. I require "Nixon's Whiskey and Ladies" by Dr. Henry Kissinger. So let it be done.


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