Codex Ivstianvs

Why, hello. Fancy seeing you here.

Emperor tropique du cancer toucan beak

Friday, April 15, 2005

Friday Random 10

Let's see what's on my iPod today

  1. Tanscontinental - Pedro the Lion
  2. El Scorcho - Weezer
  3. TVC15 - David Bowie
  4. Interlude - Jay-Z
  5. The Answer - Bad Religion
  6. I Want to Tell You - The Beatles
  7. Quarantined - At the Drive-In
  8. Franco Un-American - NoFX
  9. Maggie's Farm - Bob Dylan
  10. Living in America - The Sounds

Well, as you can see I like much better music than you do. Now grovel...GROVEL, NOW!

Update: Aren't those little flower things cool?


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