One of these things is not like the other...

...One of these things just isn't the same.
One of the people quoted in this story is a fucking hero, in the way that you and me can't ever be, becuase he has taken it upon himself to make a profound sacrifice for his fellow that, quite frankly, I could never make--and I feel poorer for never making. And one of the people quoted in this story is an opportunistic douchebag who--though he doubtless out wieghs me by at least a hundo--I will fight the next time I'm in Maine. And I will win. Guess which is which.The senior is most well known on the Bowdoin College campus in his role as development director for the College Democrats of America and as co-president of the Maine College Democrats. Under his leadership, the organization in Maine has grown from two chapters to 23.
While Cornell du Houx has actively rallied against many of President Bush's policies, he feels that his involvement in the Marines is not a conflict of interest.
"Regardless of my opinions regarding the war in Iraq, it is my duty as a U.S. Marine to serve and I am ready and willing to do my job to its fullest extent," he said.
Others on campus, particularly his political opponents in the Bowdoin College Republicans, feel differently about his service. Daniel Schuberth, a leader of the Bowdoin College Republicans and College Republican national secretary, said, "I applaud Mr. Houx for his service, just as I applaud any other soldier who is brave enough to take up arms in defense of his country. I find it troubling, however, that one of the most vocal opponents of our president, our country and our mission in Iraq has chosen to fight for a cause he claims is wrong. Mr. Houx's rhetoric against the war on terror places him in agreement with the most radical fringes of the Democratic Party, and I am left to question his logic and motivation."
p.s. -- he'd kick the ass of any man who supports the war--bar none. Semper Fi, motherfucker, Semper-fucking-fi.
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