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Saturday, March 04, 2006

When the time comes for a great nation to make hard choices

Some eras give rise to great questions.
  • 1776: Should men who resolve to live free resort to violent revolution if it the last means available to secure freedom and dignity?
  • 1861: Shall we resolve as a great nation to shed blood in order to fulfill a promise unkept and redress an ancient wrong?
  • 1941: Shall a nation shake off the isolationism that is the will of a put upon people and join a great war engulfing the globe in order to defeat vilist tyranny abroad in the name of principles we hold most dear despite the assurance of sacrifice and economic crisis at home?

Today, gentlemen, there is also a great question. An issue that ecapsulates all the ideals of a nation and the concerns of a worried people. But we shall not wait for war or desolation for an answer. Tonight I will ask and answer the question that strongly pulls at the sinews of all men of the day.

That question: Why--why dear men of conscience--is 6 afraid of 7? And the awesome answer, like the music of dark angels? Because, because gentle readers, oh I cannot stay my hand any longer, you must know though that knowledge might change your very soul! Because 7 8 9.

There. There, now you know. Though that understanding hath come at a terrible price. A numerical pun to chill the spine. May god have mercy on us all!


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