Codex Ivstianvs

Why, hello. Fancy seeing you here.

Emperor tropique du cancer toucan beak

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm certain that its intentions are pure...pure evil.

Me, I like, Chordata. Preferably Gnathostomata, (on account of a deep and abiding mistrust of hagfish and lamphreys--they burrow into the cracasses of fish and whales for food, and they lack lower mandibles, they have leech-like rottary jaws). But the thing is, I can handle Chordata, I can get past agnathic chordata like lamphreys, but I hate arthropods, invertibrates. Having either more or less than four limbs is just gross. Worms, spiders, sea-slugs, termites, caterpillars, they all freak me out. (I'm okay with chordates that have less than four limbs, like snakes and whales becuase I know that they once had them, and some even possess vestigal limb and pelvic bones). So without further ado, I give you CLOSE UP PICTURES OF BUGS.

they're coming for us. The bugs will force us to toil in their sugar fields.


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