Codex Ivstianvs

Why, hello. Fancy seeing you here.

Emperor tropique du cancer toucan beak

Thursday, November 16, 2006

This is sadly the case.

I read, and you should read, the blog known as Pandagon. Because Amanda Marcotte is effing brilliant. And if you are wasting time with my silly, rarely updated, and mostly pompous and self-indulgent blog then you should stop and read Ms. Marcotte. Her post today about the racist patriarchy and it's creepy ideas is insightful and true and just good stuff all around.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but everywhere I turn lately, it seems the “race suicide” anti-choice argument is getting more explicit and the drumbeat for it is getting louder. This thread is going nuts because of some frantic defensiveness of anti-choicers of their bona fide desires to advance a patriarchal worldview where a culture has an imperative to inbreed a race and maximize numbers, which is obviously an attitude that leads to war and of course environmental destruction. Yesterday I blogged about how Missouri lawmakers linked illegal immigration and abortion, which don’t really have anything to do with each other. I’ve also seen modern variations on the old scolding at white women to have more babies that tie themselves to Social Security. White male control of white women’s bodies for non-stop child-bearing is the go-to solution to every problem (whether there is really a problem or not) that wingnuts can think of, it seems.

Go read the whole thing.



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