Les Hommes Morts

Check out Alexis de Tocqueville...he's foxy, and all about Democracy!

Ah, the next in my projected series of portraits of dead Frenchmen: it's every American's favorite dead Frenchman (as far as that goes these days).
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I went with Tocqueville because The Atlantic has a new essay by Bernard-Henri Levy (also part of a series) that follows in Alexis' footsteps in this modern age. I highly recommend it, even though The Atlantic has been sucking lately. BHL is engaging, but he is no Tocqueville, and the simple fact of the matter is that he seems to seek out some real bad examples of Americana. And by bad, I mean it makes us look like 295 million slack jawed yokels. Again, it's a good essay...but racecars and Iowa Amish? I mean, god forbid you check out a Winslow Homer exhibition, or tour a quiet progressive town like my own beautiful Ann Arbor, MI (he was even on I-94...he drove right by!) instead of Ass-County, South Dakota.
But my complaint is slightly illegitimate, because I guess we are mostly yokels. Ever asked for a NY Times in Truth-or-Consequences, NM? Yeah, well, they look at you funny and don't respond. I guess I shouldn't complain...different strokes for different folks and all. But it just gets me that the rest of world sees us this way--as nothing more than a simplistic national sterotype. Then again, all Brits have bad teeth and Germans are anti-semitic to a one, so it all balances out.
Although, the road side piss is amusing--just read the article.
Lets all remember that young Alexis de Tocqueville originally came to our misty shores to examine the American penal system and was then lead inexorably to a massive study of American public life and politics. Food for thought my friends, food for thought. Well, not really but by saying that I can cover up for the fact that this is an elaborate ruse, all designed to justify my posting of the portraits of dead Frenchmen. I have said nothing of substance, suckers. Oh, and it shall never end, this is my solemn vow.
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