Codex Ivstianvs

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Emperor tropique du cancer toucan beak

Saturday, July 09, 2005

[clever title here]

My buddy Jeremie has his own blog here. And it's quite good, it will doubtless inspire me to blog more regularly since my ego will not tolerate its superior quality. I kid, but seriously, it's really good.
Today's post is about Dos Passos's first novel in his U.S.A. trilogy, The 42nd Parallel.
I read it my first year of law school and really liked it. Americana was my theme that year (largely to wash the taste of Proust out of my mouth) and Dos Passos was just the ticket (and Bernard Malamud and Nelson Algren--This year it's the Middle East, but only up to the Second World War, more on that later.)
Anyway, go read Jeremie's take.


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