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Emperor tropique du cancer toucan beak

Friday, July 29, 2005

Sweet, glorious Jesus let this be real and not another wonderful dream

I got this from This Modern World
This' can I say? Apparently, now bear with me here, there is to be a new comic book--8 issue mini series--called Liberality. It takes place in 2021, and Liberals have taken over and the distopian future can only be saved by right wing radio talk show hosts like Sean Hannity. Those dudes would all be like 70 years old in 2021, you ask, how could they fight the evil liberal overlords and their dastardly free healthcare for all policies? Because, and I swear this on my life, they are (get ready for it) biomechanically engineered.

Seriously, go read the description. It's's's hilarious. The best part? Oh, there are so many, but I think the very bestest part is that there is no irony here. This is so damned earnest that I can hardly believe it. Now many a comic books makes a political point, in fact most of the best ones do, and to be fair there is a heavily liberal bias in the comics. But no liberal ever actually made Walter Mondale a goddamn superhero, they invented heroes to crusade for their causes. X-Men = Civil Rights Leaders. The Justice League = The United Nations. That sort of thing. But G. Gordon Liddy, I mean, c'mon. Honestly. It's so bad it's good, it's the very embodiment of camp.

Let's look at the title. Liberality. First and foremost it's "liberal reality"--just like the future reality of liberal domination. But the money shot is on the cover of the comic book. The logo for the series is where we get the "deeper" meaning. Through the magic of design--different colored fonts--it becomes: LIBERALITY. The Red is star-spangled, and the blue is UNish. Get it. Liberty. Yeah great. And the "ali" for UN is kinda Arab, so you know that's bad

Oh God, it's funny.

All I can say is that I'm getting the first issue. This is going to be great.


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