High Crimes...
This is like five different kinds of illegal.
You CANNOT authorize wire-tap surveillance of American citizens without a warrant. IT IS THE LAW. The only-ONLY-exceptions are when officers or agents of the government rely in good faith on an otherwise bad warrant. But to not even seek warrants (warrants that under FISA don't even have to meat the standard of probable cause--do you know how flimsy probable cause is?) this is just beyond the pale. The President cannot knowlingly order violations of the Fourth Amendment and claim that the executive power supersedes...that's what the Bill of Rights is, a set of rules that constrains the enumerated powers of the Constitution. At any rate, part of that executive power is that "[The President] shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." (Art II, sec. 3).
You CANNOT authorize wire-tap surveillance of American citizens without a warrant. IT IS THE LAW. The only-ONLY-exceptions are when officers or agents of the government rely in good faith on an otherwise bad warrant. But to not even seek warrants (warrants that under FISA don't even have to meat the standard of probable cause--do you know how flimsy probable cause is?) this is just beyond the pale. The President cannot knowlingly order violations of the Fourth Amendment and claim that the executive power supersedes...that's what the Bill of Rights is, a set of rules that constrains the enumerated powers of the Constitution. At any rate, part of that executive power is that "[The President] shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." (Art II, sec. 3).
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