Codex Ivstianvs

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Emperor tropique du cancer toucan beak

Sunday, May 27, 2007

House Cleaning My Head

  • Something about Zach Braff makes me want to hit him in the mouth. I could get behind Garden State initially, but then I realized the melancholy whinging was just how Braff rolls all the time. And that makes him a whiny emo wuss, and so we are sworn enemies.
  • Also, I like Aesop Rock.
  • If Fred Thompson becomes president, I'm out. Seriously. That's a deal breaker.
  • Oprah might have got to me. Seriously, I was in the Tattered Cover today, and her book club selections have been pretty excellent overall. Faulkner, Tolstoy. If she were to get a bunch housewives to read Madame Bovary, then I'd finally go over to the dark side.
  • I have a globe.
  • I want a piece of Rumsfeld now that he's not a cabinet secretary. You an' me Don, you an' me. No rules, only winners. I know you wrestled in college, Rummy, but it was at Princeton, so I'm pretty sure I can still take you. (That's right, Tigers, I'm callin' you out.) Wolverines!
  • People who like both Zach Braff and Donald Rumsfeld...these are the ones to watch, they will betray you for they have a heart made of shit and splinters.
  • I am your rightful king and sovereign.
  • Seacrest out.

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