Codex Ivstianvs

Why, hello. Fancy seeing you here.

Emperor tropique du cancer toucan beak

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Please, please tell me you're kidding...I beg of you.

Dear God, look what they're doing in Alabama. So no more gay writers. First off, why don't we just call this the "Colleges Will Begin to Refuse Admission to Students from Alabama Act of 2005". Secondly, WTF? So no Rimbaud, no Capote, no Gertrude Stein, no Walt Whitman...just to name a few. Cause that Breakfast at Tiffany's book about a beautiful woman and all the men who were infatuated with her, even in love with her, that was some serious gay. Or Walt Whitman with his insistance on celebrating democracy and the nobility of the American experiment...yeah that shit just own't fly in Alabama: they hate America down there. And yes, all of these people wrote about some gayness, but you know what? Grow the fuck up. If the fact that Oscar Wilde wrote one of the gayest books ever when he created The Portrait of Dorian Gray. It's also really, really good. And you should read it. So suck it up. Here take a look at the list.

Actually no, don't suck it up. If you're going to be this damned pig ignorant...if you think that the "homosexual agenda" (whatever the fuck that means...not being beat up by rednecks?) should stear you clear of the works of Langston Hughes or Marcel Proust, then fuck you. If you have to suck it up and hold your nose to be this close to great art because Christopher Marlowe liked dudes then you are an ass. You don't get to read them. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I like my crazies stupid, so no education for you. Work at the fucking Piggly Wiggly and wonder what could have been douchebag, wonder what could have been.

This shit just pisses me off. Oh, and who the fuck is the state legislature to decide anything about what books are in the library other than to decide to shut the fuck up and allocate the money to pay for them?

You know what Alabama? You'll stop being a joke when you stop acting like such a fucking joke. Why is it that the so-called defenders of Western Civilization (fight the Islamic enemy, promote Christianity, fend off decadence, whatever else they come up with) seem to hate Western Civilization so much? Now we have to burn the books to save them?


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