Whereas it is my Brithday

Oh, Molly Ringwald, when will you recognise your love for me (in an alternate universe where it's still 1986 but I'm not 5 years old)? I could use some of your jean jacket love.

I shall get a veggie burrito, a six pack of delicious Tecate and I will watch one of the great birthday movies of this Age of Man: "Sixteen Candles." Which is, in my opinion, Molly Ringwald's finest work...superior even to Pretty in Pink. Let's face it, she wasn't that great in Breakfast Club, that was all about Judd Nelson and Ally Sheedy.
Additionally I may or may not eat an entire pizza, and I may or may not curl up in the shower sputtering "Happy Birthday to me" between the sobs...which is why you do your crying in the shower, so noboy can see the tears afterward.
Kidding, I'm kidding about the sobbing. Even I'm not that dark.
Molly Ringwald Fun Fact: she is devoted to a system of representative government characterized by a bicameral legislature and indirect election of the executive.
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