Codex Ivstianvs

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Emperor tropique du cancer toucan beak

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Brothers and Sisters...

We are headed into The Iowa Caucus. And I have my problems with all of the top three Democrats: HRC is too hawkish, Edwards is too light on foreign policy, and Obama is to conciliatory and bipartisan when the modern Republicans need to be crushed (serious, bring back the Whigs). And I think we're looking at a primary fight that will lead into Super Tuesday, which I am excited about. But I firmly believe that one of them will be our next president. And all three are more liberal than any one since LBJ or possibly FDR. And I am pumped for that. We might be looking a Democrats, and liberal Democrats at that, gaining in the Congress too. All of which is the work of grass roots organizing and an American people waking up to the power of progressive, social democratic politics. Which to that say that the Revolution Will Not be Televised, Brothers and Sisters.

It will be LIVE.

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